Németh András

Deputy head of department

Contact: nemeth.andras (at) kutdiak (dot) hu


He was born in 2006, in Bratislava. He is currently a third-year student at the “Magyar Tannyelvű Alapiskola és Gimnázium” high school in Bratislava. His main areas of interest include history, mathematics and physics.

In 2019, while competing at the local history conference called Kincskeresők, he learned about the Tudományos Diákkörök Kárpát-medencei Konferenciája conference. This led to his participation in the 2022 TUDOK finals, where he won first place in the Family and Life Career Research Section with his research on the life and career of a soldier ancestor from his family. As a result, he was able to attend the XXVII. National Student Conference, which provided him with deeper insight into the works of the KutDiák movement and became a member of a talented community of like-minded individuals. This experience, along with the questions that arose during his first research project, served as large motivation for him to continue his research work and activities at KutDiák.

With his work titled “For Family and Country – The Military Heroes of the Csörgey Family”, which also focused on researching the careers of military heroes amongst his ancestors in his family, he won first place in the Family and Life Career Research Section at the 2024 TUDOK finals. He was invited to the XXVIII. National Student Conference, where, during its general meeting, he was elected Deputy Head of Department of the Human- and Social Sciences Department of the Hungarian Research Student Association leadership.

In addition to his school and research activities, he is also an active scout. He has been scouting for a decade now and is a member of the Hungarian Scout Association in Slovakia. In October 2021, he earned a junior scout patrol leader certification and continues to serve as a patrol leader in the No. 76 Szenczi Molnár Albert Scout Group. He approaches his work with great enthusiasm and dedication, to help the development, education, and scouting skills of the children under his guidance.

As a board member of the Hungarian Research Student Association student leadership, his primary goal is to promote the Hungarian Research Student Association, along with its competitions, conferences, and the numerous opportunities KutDiák offers to the students, within his home country of Slovakia, via the country tour.

I am extremely grateful to be a member of the KutDiák community, as it has given me so much over the past few years. From my very first camp in Káptalanfüred, I realized that I had found my place within this wonderful community. My goal has been to become a board member so that I can continue to be part of KutDiák, furthermore – as a student from Felvidék – to introduce the movement amongst students in Felvidék and contribute to creating a welcoming community for future KutDiák members, where they, too, can find their place.