Szegedi Melinda

Head of department


szegedi.melinda (at) kutdiak (dot) hu

She was born in 26 August in 2001 at Budapest. She did her primary school studies at Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnáziumban,

and currently a student at ELTE Apáczai Csere János Gyakorló Gimnázium és Kollégium.

Main areas of interest are biology (neurology, immunology and medical tech), physics (particle physics, biophysics and astronomy), chemistry (biochemistry, quantum chemistry) and informatics (IoT and Artificial Intelligent).

During the year 2016, she achieved second place at 26. Ifjúsági Tudományos és Innovációs Tehetségkutató Verseny with the project „Peltier-elven alapuló termoelektronikus hűtőrendszer”.


On the recommendation of the Hungarian Innovation Association, she participated in the 33rd Chinese Adolescent Scientific Technology and Innovation Contest (CASTIC), wherewith her project “e-Strip” she was awarded an International Gold Medal.


She was invited to Junior’s Edison Show, hosted by Shanghai TV in November, where he won an audience award.


In spring 2018, she and her team won the Hiventures venture capital firm’s first-round investment, where they received 9 million HUF to further develop the project.


In November 2018, her national patent (HU 2017 / P1700449) was adopted, and in the spring of 2019, she was also awarded the International Intellectual Property Degree (WO 2019/092466:).

In the spring of 2019, she participated in the Be SMART Startup competition of the Budapest Foundation for Enterprise Development, where she received an award and first prize as the youngest female athlete and entrepreneur.

The “e-Fasl” project is also accompanied by biological research, which he began to deal with in the spring of 2019 and elaborated an essay on the “Termotaxis Hypothesis of Immune Cells” in the XVII. Scientific Essay Contest of KutDiák, in the section Health, Medicine, Molecular and Cell Biology. She is currently conducting her research at the 1st Pathology of Semmelweis Medical University.

In June 2019, she was admitted to the European Institute of Technology’s Health Startups incubator program, where she spent two weeks in Heidelberg training in medical technology and biotechnology.

In her spare time, the Milestone Institute goes to a private school In 2017, she founded the Milestone Innovation Society, which she has chaired ever since. Above all, she loves movies, loves to swim, ride and draw. She has been playing the piano as a hobby for 10 years.


Based on her achievements in the KutDiák so far, she participated in the Student Conference in 2019, where she was elected as the Head of Division of the Technical and Real Sciences Section.

Everyone is born with a scientific view. As a baby, one looks at objects that are unknown to them with the utmost interest, preferably with as many physical methods as possible, and observes them accurately, and places them in his small worldview. Unfortunately, many people believe that scientific researchers sit up in their ivory towers without looking at their world. What they forget is : although science is interdisciplinary and offers us incredible amount of deep knowledge it requires even more creativity. What has caught on in KutDiák community is this “baby-head”. Although everyone comes with a specific research project, they are also open to less familiar areas, which will increase their knowledge and add a lot to their everyday perspective.