How to be a KutDiák member?
To become a Kutdiák member, you have to be registered in the online database. You also have to pay/transfer the fee of 5000 HUF per calendar year to our bank account 10 business days at longest after your registration.
The proof of your payment/transfer has to be sent via email to (The proof has to be made in 10 business days at longest after your payment/transfer)
The fee is valid in the current calendar year.
Only registered members can participate in our competitions and conferences.
Participation in our competitions and conferences is free of charge for registered members.
In case of continuous membership, we expect the fee payment until January 31th of the current year, which renews your membership automatically.
In case the fee is not covered by the end of the given deadline, your registration will be cancelled without notification.
Fee payment of trans-border students is possible via cash for the bank-transferring difficulties.
Necessary data for transfer/payment:
OTP Bank
Kutató Diákok Országos Szövetsége: 11705008-20467702
Please, include your name and the word” fee” with the actual year in the ”Comment” section
If a student cannot pay the fee there are two options for them:
- They can ask their school to cover the membership fee.
- They can turn to the Association to subsidise their fee partly. In this case, the student has to send an official application to with the exact description of their problem(s). The application has to be sent before the payment deadline: within 10 days after the registration, or by 31th January of the current year.